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Why Bother Having a Multi Language Website?

Last Updated On: October 27, 2023 by The Migration Translators

Multi Language Website
Why Bother Having a Multi Language Website?
Last updated:May 5th, 2017 by The Migration Translators

Rising Demand for Multilingual Website Translation

There is a growing demand for multiple language translations for websites that are designed to offer business services to more than one language group or to government and non-governmental agencies that deal with more than one language group.

Multilingual Communities and Internet Usage

There are few countries in the modern world that are now only monolingual. The growth in migration has created multilingual communities within many countries, particularly the more affluent ones. While many new migrants are fluent in the language of their new host country, they still often feel more comfortable with their own native language when using the Internet. The need for multi-language websites for government services is certainly a strong one. Government websites should preferably use certified translators to ensure that notices and information made available to different language users are translated accurately.

Government Services and Certified Translators

Some nations are naturally multilingual. Switzerland and Finland in Europe, Canada in North America, India and Malaysia in Asia, and most African countries are multilingual, even if there is an official language. Whether websites used in these countries are for commercial purposes or by noncommercial organizations, there is certainly a need for multiple language translation.

Multilingual Nations and the Role of Websites

In addition to these multilingual realities that occur within nation-states, globalization of the world’s economy has meant that more and more businesses have seized the opportunity to market their goods overseas. Online shopping has become commonplace on an international basis. Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba, just to mention a few international online stores, cannot exist without multi-language websites.

Challenges in Creating Multilingual Websites

There may be a temptation to think that a website can use English as it is considered an ‘international’ language, but this would inevitably cut down the potential market for any newly expanding business. In fact, many businesses learn the hard way that creating multi-language websites is not as straightforward as they first might have thought. Not only should fluent and professional translators be hired to translate all the important pages within a commercial website. The translators or translation agency should be selected on the basis that it is experienced in localizing web pages. That means adapting the language so that it has cultural relevance to the target community. This is much more important for marketing websites than selecting certified translators, which is more relevant for government information sites.