What’s the Difference Between Phone and Written Translations?
Last Updated On: December 9, 2021 by The Migration Translators

What’s the Difference Between Phone and Written Translations?
In the world today one of the key changes has been the growth in demand for translators. That is because people speaking different languages want to be able to communicate clearly with one another. There are various ways of doing this and one is translating the written word and the other is through oral means, which can take place face to face or through the phone.
What is Written Translation?
Written translation is the conversion of the written language into another language. It isn’t necessarily word for word but needs to be linguistically and culturally appropriate for the targeted audience. If done well, the translation can be easily understood.
What is Phone Translation?
There is not actually anything in existence called phone translation, This is when a phone interpreter interprets the spoken word that is conveyed down the phone. Other forms of interpreting can take place by remote video or through person to person interaction.
The Key Skills Required For Both Phone Interpreting and Language Translation
One of the key skills of these two jobs is being able to interpret or translate accurately between two languages. Many translators and interpreters choose to specialise in a specific field, like the legal, medical or business fields. This enables them to learn industry-specific terminology and procedures associated with the specialism.
Sometimes, they participate in classes, so they can keep updated with the language required in a particular setting. Interpreters require excellent listening skills so that they can recall what is being said, store it and convert it into the required language.
A Phone Interpreter Should have the Following Skills such as:
- being able to take good notes;
- excellent customer service and communication skills;
- excellent understanding of both grammar and syntax in both the two languages.
Translators need to:
- be able to research concepts and words;
- have excellent grammar and composition skills in two languages.
Sometimes, people who consider themselves to be bilingual believe they can translate and interpret proficiently as well. Translators and interpreters require more additional skills in order to be effective than just being bilingual. Also, professional translators and interpreters may have sat proficiency tests to prove their ability to be professional translators and interpreters.
Who Requires Translators and Phone Interpreters?
Translators are Required for a Variety of Different Purposes such as:
- translating business’s websites to target overseas customers;
- translation of documents in medical facilities for patients who don’t understand the usual native language;
- translation of legal documents for court proceedings involving people who do not speak the court’s language;
- translating product user manuals and warranty documents for overseas buyers;
- translating key documents at international conferences;
- translating key business documents for trading overseas;
- translating legal documents like birth certificates for migration to other countries.
Who Requires a Phone Interpreter?
A phone interpreter interprets when there is no face to face interpreter available due to the situation where the interpreter is required. This could be late at night or in a remote location.
How to Choose a Phone Interpreter or Translator
The key to making the right choice is asking translation and interpreter providers how their translators and interpreters are trained and how they choose them in the first place. Other questions you should ask is how they ensure that high standards are met by the translators and interpreters they employ. Do they go through a quality control process before translations are released to clients? Once you are happy with your choice of translation and interpreting agency you should start sending in your requirements as soon as you can.