Is Australia a dangerous country?
Last Updated On: July 7, 2017 by The Migration Translators

Is Australia a dangerous country?
If you have been offered a job and qualify to work in Australia, you have been offered permanent residency on the basis of your skills, or you have a large sum of money and are thinking of migrating to Australia in the business category, you will be choosing to live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. This is not just based on the high income that Australians of working age earn, but on the wealth of natural resources that Australia has become famous for.
Of course, there is more to life than just money. With current medical advancements and the high standard and quality of health care accorded to all that reside in the country if you intend to bring children with you and they were born between 2013 and 2015, a boy can expect to live to more than 80 years and a girl to almost 85 years. Those are statistics to be reckoned with, when compared to other similar nations.
Of course no one lives forever. 50% of Australians will have succumbed to cancer by the time they are the ripe old age of 85 years but the leading cause of death still lies with coronary heart disease. In many cases, this is preventable if you eat a healthy fruit and vegetable rich diet of which there is no shortage in the country. If you avoid a diet high in saturated fats you could outlive the prospect of dying from heart disease.
There are plenty of opportunities to take part in sporting activities, whether organised or self-made. New South Wales alone is home to a large variety of bushwalking trails and, of late, disused railways have been converted to off road bike trails.
You may worry if you go for a swim in the sea that you may get stung and lose your life to a box jellyfish encounter or a man eating shark. You don’t need to concern yourself about that as the authorities are almost always in the know if there is anything dangerous lurking in the waters. You will be warned promptly and that goes for the presence of dangerous sharks too. In fact, many of the swimming areas either have shark nets to keep sharks out or beach side swimming pools have been constructed for bathers to use in harmony with nature.
Snakes might be a worry to some would be migrants. There is not much you can do about that, except keep your eyes skinned when in the countryside and make sure you don’t walk into dense bush or through long grass.
You have probably heard Australia described as the land of flooding rains, fires and droughts. That is to a certain extent true, but the government is well aware and keeps the public fully warned. It ensures water restrictions are put in place when necessary; cyclone warnings are issued well in advance and fire bans are enforced well before dangerous fire levels exist.
One important thing about migrating to Australia is that all official documents such as birth and marriage certificates must be translated into English if your mother tongue and your documents are in another language. It is compulsory to use an accredited and approved NAATI translator to do the work.