Eight Occasions When You May Need a Birth Certificate
Last Updated On: January 27, 2022 by The Migration Translators

Eight Occasions When You May Need a Birth Certificate
Often you may think, why do we need birth certificates? Or, what is the point of keeping a birth certificate as most of the time it just occupies space in a safe deposit box which you are probably paying a fee for? However, quite unexpectedly you may be asked for your birth so then you have to find a way of accessing the safe deposit box. Just to prepare yourself, these are the times when you are most likely to need your birth certificate.
- Registering for a school or university.
- Many schools and universities want to see your birth certificate before you complete the registration process. A birth certificate provides evidence of your age and name so that you get put in the right class or you are old enough to enrol in a university course.
- Getting a Driver’s License often requires showing your birth certificate as it proves your identity and age which are important in order to meet the eligibility requirements to become a license holder.
- Getting your marriage license typically involves providing birth certificates of the two parties. A marriage license is a legal document so the facts included on it must be correct.
- Registering for certain types of sports where age is relevant is a time when your birth certificate comes in handy. It ensures you compete with people of your own age so that preventable accidents don’t take place.
- If you have ever thought of traveling overseas you will need to get a passport and to prove who you are you will be asked to provide your birth certificate. Many cruise ships in your own country may not ask for a passport but they may require confirmation of your age so this is a time when a birth certificate can become quite an asset.
- When you reach a ripe old age and you are eligible for a seniors card the issuing authority will ask for more than one form of ID so if you have your birth certificate close at hand you can use that as one of the three.
- You may get into difficulties one day and need to get a quick loan. No loan company will lend you money unless you provide at least 2 pieces of ID. If you don’t have a passport then you can use your driver’s license and your birth certificate.
When a certified translation of your birth certificate is required
When birth certificate translations are needed the most are:
- If your birth certificate was issued overseas in a language that is not used in your present country or in a country you are applying to migrate, a birth certificate translation is often required.
- A certified translation of your birth certificate is essential for almost all immigration requirements. For example, when submitting an application for a visa or residence permit in another country, you are asked to provide a certified copy of your translated birth certificate. This means the translator will have to translate every detail on your birth certificate and provide a signed certificate vouching that the translation is accurate.
- If you have decided to get married in an exotic location that requires travel to another country and the language of that country is not the same as your birth certificate you will be asked to provide a certified translation of your birth certificate.
- If you have been accepted overseas to study at a university in a language that is not on your birth certificate, the school or university will want a certified translation of your birth certificate for their records.
What you need to know when getting a birth certificate translation
When birth certificate translations are needed there are certain things you have to look out for in the translation process.
You have to be very careful if your birth certificate isn’t written in Roman script as the translator may have problems with translating your name. You can help by writing it our in full as the translator will not translate names.
Some birth certificates are written by hand, which sometimes makes difficult reading for even the most experienced translators. You can help your translator by writing out your name and place of birth as they will not be translated.
Before sending your birth certificate to the translator, make sure your birth certificate contains the following information:
- full name;
- place of birth;
- date of birth including month, day and year;
- full names of both parents;
- date of birth of both parents;
- place(s) of birth for both parents;
- the issuing authority’s seal.
Finally, make sure the professional translation services you choose is familiar with the legal formats and terms for government-issued documents like birth certificates. If you get everything right, then your birth certificate translation will be useful proof.