Marketing Materials and Translations

What are Marketing Materials?

Marketing materials are materials used specifically as a method for promoting a product, brand, or service. Commonly used marketing materials are any kind of printed literature that does a good job at presenting and promoting a product. This could include flyers, postcards, business cards, letterheads, brochures, and presentation folders.

Marketing materials can quite easily be adapted into their digital forms too. Promotions could be online through social media where images can be used as part of the promotion.

Types Of Marketing Materials To Be Translated

There are many different types of marketing materials and a business will choose the type that best suits their marketing needs. These could include any of the following:

  • sales brochures;
  • websites;
  • white papers;
  • product descriptions/categories;
  • product catalogs;
  • press releases;
  • newsletters;
  • case studies;
  • ebooks;
  • fact sheets;
  • leaflets.

Marketing Material And Translation

Businesses like yours that are intending on penetrating the global market will not get far unless they interact sufficiently with their desired audience. That means translating your product’s information and marketing materials into the target market’s language. This builds a trusting relationship between your business and your intending customers. One of the best ways to do this is to hire an experienced NAATI translator who has been accredited with this status through hard work. A NAATI translation is held in high regard.

The main aim of any marketing material is to promote your product so that it will sell well. This means any professional translation must be perfect. Once the translation has been completed you must make sure that you proofread it for perfection. There should be no grammar, pronunciation, or spelling mistakes. You can get someone in your business who understands the translated product information to skim through it to ensure the message is correct. There may be certain metaphors you use or a sense of humor that is embedded in your marketing materials that represent the true nature of your product. If you provide a summary of terms your business uses for the translator to use you will get a better translation the first time around and won’t have to ask your professional translator to do any revisions.

Getting the translations consistent for your products is important so that people recognize your brand from the way it is presented in the translated text. Some international brand names like McDonald’s restaurants have been very successful at marketing their product overseas and have gained a trusting customer base by the way they have created reliable translations in many different languages. They haven’t just relied on English to present their brand as this would not be as attractive in say a Spanish-speaking country as a product description in Spanish.

There are many professional NAATI translators who have gained knowledge of many different brands and the language used in the pair of languages they specialize in. This means they can create just the right translation when asked to do so and the client is more than happy with the newly translated marketing materials.

Marketing Materials Translation

Reach, engage and support your global clients with localized marketing content such as product catalogs, websites, or brochures in English, Russian, German, and 30+ other languages.




Tips for Advertising Translation

Translation is vital in the advertising industry, particularly if a business wants to operate in an international context. Successful advertisements must be engaging and appealing to their targeted market and address the audience with the most appropriate vocabulary. This is the key to the most effective advertising campaign. Advertisements often depend on subtle nuances placed within the text, so this means the literal translation is typically not sufficient to provide the right meaning. This means the advertisements need to be translated by a translator who can translate these subtle meanings without mistranslation.

Key tips for a successful advertisement translation

1. Know all there is to know about your targeted audience

If you are targeting, for example, an audience with a certain amount of money, this doesn’t mean the language you use in your translations will be the same. For example, older people with the same amount of disposable income as a younger age range may not be engaged with language that might be used by a younger person.

2. Recognize the importance of transcreation

A common mistake in any advertising translation is the literal translation that fails to completely understand the advert. All translations of advertising material need transcreation; that is when the wording and the tone are adapted to suit the target market. To ensure an advertisement has the best translation using a qualified translator of that language who resides locally might be the best way of ensuring an appropriate translation of the advertisement.

3. Forget machine translation

Running the text of an advert through Google Translate will not bring a good result. Machine translation gives literal translations, which do not work well in advertising campaigns.

4. Understanding the culture

An effective advertising translation depends on more than just translating a message meaning it also involves assessing how suitable a translation is likely to be for the audience. An insensitive translation of a marketing campaign could put off a potential customer, and, even a whole country. It could damage a company’s image and reputation and destroy customer relations. It is important to consider carefully all the marketing and advertising material and ensure the wording in the source language won’t offend the targeted customer in the translation.

5. Adapting SEO to the targeted market

SEO needs to be developed and adapted for each individual market so that it achieves maximum attention from the targeted audience. A translator or native speaker who understands all the ins and outs of a professional translation is necessary if the desire is to reach as many people as possible.

6. Trust your local translators

It would be so convenient if one advertisement could be used across all cultures and language speakers. Unfortunately, in practice, this isn’t the best way to go as cultures don’t always respond in the same way to advertising materials. The best way to adapt to these differences is to engage local translators who not only know their two languages well but also know the best way to use a translation of an advertisement, so it gets maximum interest. Looking at an advert from a local perspective helps to ensure the most appropriate language is used and no one is offended by the language used in the translation.

A good advertisement translation will have input from native speakers who both life and breathe their local culture and understand completely the subtleties of their language. Effective translation when used in advertising depends upon experts who are able to make use of their experience and knowledge to translate thoughtfully so that the advertisement translation reaches the targeted audience.