10 Reasons Why Australia Still is the “Lucky Country” to Live
Last Updated On: July 10, 2017 by The Migration Translators
10 Reasons Why Australia Still is the “Lucky Country” to Live
Moving to Australia is a dream many people have. But is it worth it? As a specialist NAATI translation business dealing mainly with migrants, we hear about what people like and dislike about Australia every day. Our clients are people from all walks of life who are on the move: immigrants, visa applicants, expatriates, international students, visitors, travellers and diplomats.
For our clients from Europe, it’s often the wide open spaces, the well-paid vocational jobs and the laid back culture that is appealing. People from Africa and South America appreciate the security and safety that “the lucky country” offers. Our Asian clients particularly value the education and career possibilities.
In summary, Australia has features that appeal to most cultures, and it is no coincidence that it is and always has been a classic “immigration country” that depends on and cherishes multiculturalism and diversity. Check out our infographic for a handy summary of what Australia can offer. We hope it helps you – because it is our sole core purpose to facilitate our client’s lives by providing a reliable document translation service – on time, on scope, on budget.