10 Expected Errors in Visa Document Translation
Last Updated On: July 10, 2017 by The Migration Translators

10 Expected Errors in Visa Document Translation
Are you applying for a student visa, residence visa or any other visa for Australia? If you haven’t already done so yet, you should download the correct application form and the instructions that go with it and study the instructions carefully. Many applications are turned down because of misunderstandings about what to include on the form.
One important aspect of all visa applications is to make sure that you get translated any documents that are needed by the visa issuing authorities. They do not accept any documents unless they are in English. In addition, the translations must be done by a NAATI translation service and all translations must be signed and certified by the translator to say that they are an accurate translation of the original.
If you are not sure about what the instructions are telling you to do, this is an opportunity to use a visa documents translation service to get the instructions translated into your own language at the same time as they translate your documents. Having the instructions available at your fingerprints could mean you avoid making mistakes on the form. Most visa applicants really don’t have the time to waste re-applying, so it’s best to get it right the first time around.
There are a number of common errors that are typical of visa applications. Most of these are simple mistakes which are unintentional and may have nothing to do with the translators. Even English language applicants make mistakes on their forms too!
Remember these typical errors on visa applications when you come to filling in your own form:
•Try to avoid having to write anything in handwriting. It is much more legible in print. Fill the form in online and then print it off and sign it.
•As for signatures, make sure that every signature is completed. Don’t sign if the place for the signature is for someone else who helped you with the form.
•Make sure that you pay the correct fee by one of the methods requested.
•Try to avoid sending the completed application form by ordinary airmail. Use express post or the equivalent in your country, register it or send it by courier.
•Always use a certified translation service for translated documents.
•Make sure you have sent certified copies and translations of all documents requested.
•Make sure that the NAAT translator signs and verifies the translation.
•False information might result in a refusal to grant a visa – even if the mistake is unintentional.
•Make sure that every part of the form is filled in – don’t leave a space incomplete. If it is not relevant cross it through and state that it is not applicable.
•Many applications get turned down because the photo requested is not the right size or you are wearing or doing something which is not permitted.